The Innovation through years


Thomson Houston Electric Tram

When large cities started to develop electric-powered public transportation, the Thomson Houston electric tram was the gold standard. By 1907, the model was running on 1,000 km of France's 1,700 km of tram lines.


Magnetron Radar

The magnetron radar was originally developed for the ocean liner Normandie to detect icebergs, and the same technology was further developed for missile guidance roles. When Germany invaded France in 1940, project engineers fled to London. Subsequently, most radar systems built in the UK during World War II were based on this technology.


X-Ray Image Intensifier (IIR)

The first experimental X-Ray image intensifier was developed in 1951. It led to a considerable reduction of X-ray doses absorbed by patients and operators during radiology procedures. Thomson rapidly became the biggest producer in the world � and still is, although the original electron tube technology has now been replaced by solid-state devices.



Invented in 1950, the Vapotron process was a major step forward in cathode ray tube screen technology. Vapotron cooling of the tube's anode was twice as efficient as conventional water-cooling systems, and the technology was soon adopted by the biggest screen manufacturers in Japan and in the United States.


Palmier Radar

The Palmier radar was a very long-range 3D radar developed in 1966 and produced for France, Sweden, India and NATO. The Arès radar, developed later by Hughes Aircraft and Thomson, was based on the same technology.



Initially named Cactus, the Crotale is a mobile land short-range anti-air missile. Each firing unit comprised a fire-control radar associated with infrared guidance. It has been upgraded in the past 50 years and is still operated by armies from many countries